huh..pengajaran untuk hr ni..action do it right now..ada 2 customer HL. 1 case was with incomplete docs dan docs provided sgt meragukan..(salary slip and this customer got 3 job in 1 time) with 1 bank statement provided..very hard to justify from that 3 source of this customer got CCRIS prob for previous few mths but provided settlement letter from the bank.At 1st sight,mmg nampak case nih low chances to get approval.Disebabkan byk sgt case kn process, so i proceed dulu case2 yang straight fwd dan complete docs.Raser2nye any credit officer pon akan proceed dulu case yang ader chances utk dpt approval.Keep on following up this customer check this and this customer pon slalu o/ nih pending lamer.earlier dh nk submit,but then after having discuss ngn team leader, to void fraud team leader ask me to check further ngn customer and bank she banking with (bank cap unta :p)..
hr nih bukak balik file customer nih utk proceed to process for approval,call customer to verify other last customer ni gtau,it's ok.i've got approval from other bank already.huh..sedikit rs frust sbb xsubmit trus that day case nih..(the reason was being to be carefull and to void fraud case) time submit dulu then tgk cmn..
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