Tuesday, August 24, 2010

lagi pics majlis bbuka puasa..

mr layan tgk gambar..majlis bbuka last sunday 22/08/10..overall mmg bpuas hati..next year kawan2..kiter plan lg best ye..

all of us except photographer (syamy)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

majlis berbuka puasa : SMKKetereh

22/08/2010: Majlis berbuka puasa x-SMKK at Restoren Nelayan Taman Tasik Titiwangsa KL.Antara yang join memeriahkan suasana ;- Cikra(myself),Nicky(hubby)+,haiqal,hazriq (my kids) Judin,Elly+rayyan,Eliza,Syamy + rir,eiymann,Daha,Peje,Naa+kids,Sue+Bad..jom layan tgk gambar before and after the majlis berbuka puasa..

posing dlu b4 trn dr umah..abg pose ngn rambut pacak la konon..sampai saner dh flat dh rambut pacak dia..huhu..dh la rambut dh panjang..nnt balik cuti raya potong kt kampung la..

adik plk mmg susah nk bposing..abg plk over excited..

abg tgh layan ayam part fav dia.."ayam pistol" (kepak ayam)..
bg bdk2 mkn kenyang2 dlu b4 we all start bbuka..

dd ngn adik.. alamak,dd nmpk mcm tua la kt cni :)


summary: itu jer gambar yang sempat di'snap' b4 and after..lain2 gambar tu nnt kiter upload lg ehsan dr camera untie eliz..:)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

mommy's bday on 08052010

on mommy's bday..

thn ni kek mommy buat sdnri..

B'day muaz July 24th, 2010

Last month,24th July cik munie buat bday party muaz @ umah atok muaz at Klang..so we all beramai2 attend memeriahkan majlis..convoi ngn along..mr layan tgk gambar b4 n after d party..

abg+ adik ngn present utk muaz..cuber teka hadiah aper..:p

posing ngn hadiah dlu b4 pg umh atok muaz..

mal,haiqal, hazriq n 1/2 dd :)

dd tgh layan bdk2 makan

riuh dok tiub ape ker namanye benda tu..nk posing pon sebok nk tiub benda tu..mcm la dlm gambar bleh dengar kan..haha

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ramadhan Gift for customers

selalunye mcm thn2 lepas tiap kali masuk bulan puasa,kiter ada special gift utk customer (loyal customer to etiqa)..tp thn ni xsempat la plk nk buat gift utk customer2 nih..anyway..mr cuci mata tgk cmn gift yang kiter bg customer last year.

 riben2 tu sumer hasil balance saki baki maser gubahan brg2 hantaran 5 thn lepas..hehe..byk lg collection..so godek2 mn bahan yang ader jer..dlm bekas tu i letak kurma ye..mcm thn2 lepas..ader customer kiter respon..syg nk bukak mkn kurma kat dlm tu..hehe..

 siap ader sticker nama lg ok..heh :p

 ni sajer ngengada letak bear sekor kat atas tu purposely utk snap jer :)

p/s: itu jer..nnt citer lg..

action do it right now!

huh..pengajaran untuk hr ni..action do it right now..ada 2 customer HL. 1 case was with incomplete docs dan docs provided sgt meragukan..(salary slip and this customer got 3 job in 1 time) with 1 bank statement provided..very hard to justify  from that 3 source of income.plus this customer got CCRIS prob for previous few mths but provided settlement letter from the bank.At 1st sight,mmg nampak case nih low chances to get approval.Disebabkan byk sgt case kn process, so i proceed dulu case2 yang straight fwd dan complete docs.Raser2nye any credit officer pon akan proceed dulu case yang ader chances utk dpt approval.Keep on following up this customer check this and that.plus this customer pon slalu o/seas..case nih pending lamer.earlier dh nk submit,but then after having discuss ngn team leader, to void fraud case..my team leader ask me to check further ngn customer and bank she banking with (bank cap unta :p)..
hr nih bukak balik file customer nih utk proceed to process for approval,call customer to verify other information.at last customer ni gtau,it's ok.i've got approval from other bank already.huh..sedikit rs frust sbb xsubmit trus that day case nih..(the reason was being to be carefull and to void fraud case)..next time submit dulu then tgk cmn..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

monday is bz day

hr ni mcm biaser masuk opis b4 9am..by right off hour 845..tp kengkadang sampai lewat 5 min..as long as b4 9pm..(buat time sndri plk..huhu) ..new off a.k.a new bank ni..best sket compared to my previous place..time more flexible..oppss..got something to do..sambung keje mmmaa..nnt citer lg..

hubby's bday

16th Aug, hr ni my hubby's nye bday..xder surprise party or special pon..we just celebrate time bbuka puasa ramai2 ngn adik badik @ umh along  alam suria last saturday (14/08/10)... yang specialnye mommy buat sendiri: bake+decorate bday cake daddy..choc cake mcm biaser..sampai dorg pon dh boring almost every week cikya buat cake..cuppies..and recently choc cake..dh jumper resepi rahsia baru dan sedap..hehe..anyway citer pasal cake..i tgh try n error lg..untuk amek order tu belum ready lg..hope 1day nnt bleh jd Banker dan Baker yang berjaya..fuh! :p
mr layan tgk gambar bday dd..

 cantek x bday kek..i think that is the best deco ever i've done..heh

 muaz,haiqal & mal

 time ni hazriq tgh tido..so xder la dia dlm pic ni..

 agar2 kaler pink cikya buat ye..agar2 bandung :)

 time sumer org tgh full..ye la br lps bukak puasa..lps solat maghrib acara potong kek uncle nik..cukup syarat jer celebrate bday..heh

p/s: itu sajer corat coret bday dd at umh ibu alam suria..


Hi there..my 1st post..nk intro pasal new rates offered by UOB for home financing..for those who looking for new home financing, refinancing please feel free to give me a call @03-27728177..